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Join us in remembering one of the foremost spiritual writers of the past 100 years

2023 Buechner Event social media image
Photograph by A. Blake Gardner, provided courtesy of Frederick Buechner Center

In Memoriam:
An Evening
Celebrating Frederick Buechner’s Literary Contributions


On the one-year anniversary of his passing

Tuesday, August 15
5 pm Pacific/8 pm Eastern

Celebrated as one of the foremost spiritual writers of his generation, Frederick Buechner’s witty, vivid, and rich writing has inspired readers’ minds and stirred hearts through his more than 30 published books for six decades. One year after his passing, Frederick Buechner (July 11, 1926–August 15, 2022) remains an influential voice for writers across genres, from novelists and memoirists to homileticians and theologians alike. For those writers who feel not religious enough for religious readers, or too religious for non-religious readers, Buechner’s voice has been a welcome, guiding light.

On the one-year-anniversary of Frederick Buechner’s passing, Image is hosting space for community members to gather and share their appreciation for Buechner’s literary contributions. From themes of paying attention to one’s life and stewarding one’s grief, to the unexpected influences on one’s vocation and the ordinary miraculous moments of everyday life, Buechner’s words offer a variety of invitations through which one might come to see the world and one’s place within it more deeply. Image community members are invited to bring a favorite selection of Buechner’s writing to read aloud and to briefly reflect on the difference his words have made for their life.

An Image staff member will provide a short introduction to this event, which is free and open to the public, followed by an open-mic style time of sharing and reflections.



About Image

Image fosters contemporary art and writing that grapple with the mystery of being human by curating, cultivating, convening, and celebrating work that explores religious faith and spiritual questions.

Image is animated by our vision to be a vibrant thread in the fabric of culture, contributing to mainstream literary and artistic communities by demonstrating the vitality of contemporary art and literature invigorated by religious faith.



For additional questions, please email Image’s Director of Community Cultivation Ryan Pemberton at

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