Posts Tagged ‘Babette’s Feast’
Three Kinds of Elevation: New Concert Films from Aretha Franklin, Beyoncé, and Sam Phillips
June 5, 2019
Ascent I’m under headphones above 10,000 feet, and Aretha Franklin is flying the plane. At least it feels that way. Anne and I are headed to what we call “a homecoming,” an annual gathering of authors at the edge of the Frio River in the Texas hill country — inspirations, influences, kindred spirits. I’m feeling…
Read MoreA Conversation with Karin Coonrod
April 30, 2018
The current issue of Image (#96) features a profile of innovative theater director Karin Coonrod, whose projects range from Shakespeare and medieval mystery plays to adaptations of Flannery O’Connor. Her latest play, now running in New York, is an adaptation of the classic Isak Dinesen short story “Babette’s Feast” (famous for the 1987 film version),…
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