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Good Letters

The Third MiracleMy second favorite movie (my first is Gone with the Wind, which is embarrassing, but my tastes run to the lowbrow/popular) is The Third Miracle, a 1999 film starring Ed Harris. Its opening scene occurs during World War II, in an Eastern European country whose geography has been drawn and redrawn by the “will of barbarous conquerors,” as Czeslaw Milosz writes. In a walled ghetto, goats and German soldiers alike run in terror, as a small Gypsy girl kneels before Mary’s statue in the village square, praying that the Allied bombs will evaporate as they fall.

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The Image archive is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.

Written by: Ann Conway

Ann Conway has published in Commonweal, Maine Arts Magazine, Faith and Leadership and other venues. Her essay, “The Rosary,” originally published in Image Journal, was placed on the notable list of Best Spiritual Writing 2011. She received a fellowship from the Collegeville Institute in 2013 and received her MFA in creative writing from Seattle Pacific University.  A former regular blogger for Good Letters, she currently writes at “Commonplaces” where her subjects are often disability, Maine, the voiceless, and spirituality.

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