Give us this day, supplier of time.
Apollo! Hear me.
When the peonies bloom, come over.
The primary colors on a piece of glass. My lazy eye after a glass of wine.
There’s a case of empties in the treehouse
in the willow, that red thatched house with ladder rope.
On fire for hours, we can play all our songs
for a girl we loved.
When you’re in NY again,
let’s go to the M&M shop in Times Square.
Why not tonight?
Where are my music stands? Where do they stand?
Don’t bother going to the beach today.
Pray for us sinners.
Lauren Hilger is the author of Morality Play (Poetry Northwest). Named a Nadya Aisenberg Fellow by MacDowell, her work has appeared in Bomb, Harvard Review, Kenyon Review, and elsewhere. She serves as a poetry editor for No Tokens.
Dionissios Kollias’s work has appeared in No Dear, Pinwheel, Raleigh Review, and elsewhere. He lives in New York.