That woman carrying a stone might be understood like this:
the Virgin and the Stone:—-to her has been foretold
————————————the weight of the world.
She carries a stone like others their cross.—-A–cross:
said to be from this landscape’s newest tree:—artificial tree
whose fruit is a natural corpse.—-The stone has the weight
——————————————–of a dead child:
no:—-not a dead child, but a child foretold:
the stone has a pregnant weight:—-stones are not dead:
stones have never been alive:—-stones are about
to be born.—-The stones will be born, but in the meantime
we reconstruct the temple word by word.—-A stone:
a falling stone:—-a broken stone is not two stones.
Translated from the Spanish by Dan Bellm
All translated work in this issue is supported by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.