What Else
By Poetry Issue 103
By Poetry Issue 103
By Poetry Issue 103
not in weakness, but in tender
resolution to give way, be broken. . .
Lapsang Souchong
By Poetry Issue 103
The kettle begins to sing
the one note of its one song.
The day becomes itself beyond
the glass of the kitchen window.
By Poetry Issue 103
This silence before
love pulls itself
apart, against
the current of its own
longing, is the most terrible
silence I know.
By Essay Issue 103
Of course complicating considerations can occur with the immaterial, too, as you might be into time and gravity but not augury or angels—or you might be into some angels, like the six-winged amber ones, but not the messenger of death.
Read MoreSuch Are the Rituals
By Poetry Issue 103
When I tilt the cup
it drains like a face.
Something like a Prayer
By Poetry Issue 103
We’re the seeds our mothers have been planting. If
X marks the spot, let’s dig up the whole alphabet.
By Poetry Issue 103
Why pray for the dead if not for this,
for God’s speed on their journey, home,
beneath the burden of the proof they bear.
By Poetry Issue 103
The shooter was a loner—they always are—
but to the bullied and confused, he just
might be the one who understands . . .