The Wolf Hour: The Cosmic Realism of Kathryn Davis
By Culture Issue 111
Duplex isn’t a disenchanted world, where saints have been replaced by stonemasons. It’s not even a world where belief in the soul has been replaced by the fact of robots. It’s a hinged world, a duplex world, where the human and the cosmic, the soul and the stars, stand side by side.
Read MoreWhere Do You Stand? Anselm Kiefer’s Visual and Verbal Artifacts
By Essay Issue 77
I think it is beautiful to be justified (historically). ———Anselm Kiefer Forgiveness is the only way to reverse the irreversible flow of history. ———Hannah Arendt ANSELM KIEFER is one of the few artists working today who have transcended the vicissitudes and fashions of the contemporary art world. His stature among artists working after World…
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