Stations in the City
By Photo Essay Issue 108
I think the stations are for everyone, no matter your religious affiliation, because they are a meditation on being human, so I wanted people to see them without the hurdle of having to enter a religious space.
Read MoreSqueezed In
By Poetry Issue 105
Easter, I make myself space
in a pew facing a pillar
four feet wide, I’d say, gray,
mottled, plastered countenance.
By Poetry Issue 101
Can we stay awake this time? Can we keep the world from ending, not by flood or fire but by its own human hand?
Read MoreVeiled Images at Passiontide
By Poetry Issue 95
A purple kite against the wall with the wind still in it. Above the side altars with the brass candelabras and unlit candles, purple ghosts. Purple ghosts behind the votive trays in the vestibule, too. Only the sacristans collecting for burning the excess palms are left uncovered, for now. Here stood the Little Flower; here,…
Read MoreSunrise Insomnia Service
By Poetry Issue 68
Gethsemane’s sleepers, be with me If I sleep. Hypnopomps to the cock’s crow, To the olive grove’s Dawnshadows’ undergnarl. Skull-place, tricrossed, two-thieved hill, Over- Hang me if I wake. † The bed-world Is the total part, Unrememberable mnemonics Muttered through the dream (Now I lay me, Tarry here awhile— Now I lay me Down—tarry…
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