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Just like you go looking for the rainbow.
With the storm thundering down and we all
all the rest of us running to shut windows
shut computers shutting shutting like a pall
falling and you standing as the drops fall

around you hands uplifted hips swaying
just a little; you can’t not find rhythm
sky wide before you clouds conveying
something more than rain: shadow and within
it oh the openings light riven,

shattered into color riding the arc
of atmosphere, a shining orbit
arc of light recalling another ark:
twinned lives and the promise they inhabit.
It is not easy. Is determined work

looking for the bright lights, to believe when
the storm is still upon us, see through the
complexity of circumstance to say amen
there will be generations: you stand and
you choose hallelujah, hallelujah.



Sister Ozanne Schumann is a nun at the Abbey of Regina Laudis in Connecticut. Her poetry springs from her life in this contemplative Benedictine religious community, which is also a working farm.




Photo by Harald Arlander on Unsplash

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