In the Shining
Book it says
Moses existed
before he existed
at first above
in the spirit world
and then among us
like a light
child of the Blessed Holy One
who is a man of war
and child of the Blessed Holy One
the glamorous moon
divine mother and lover,
this, this—light that had to be hidden
coupling with him
in both worlds
what did you see, Moses my teacher
in your descent from there
helpless as you were
like us then
were there animals
on the cave walls
did you see the lions
did you see the bull
The Shining Book says you saw
the world
being created fresh every day
for forty days
and it was too much
and you couldn’t stand it
you broke the tablets
you covered your face
you came down
from the mountain
but the light
still streamed out
and was too much
and frightened us all
maybe it was light
some thought it was horns