Bodies of Light: A Study in Windows
By Visual Art Issue 115
I see my paintings and drawings as invitations to encounter a lived environment slowly, fully, and reflectively.
Read MoreThe Light of Promise
By Culture Issue 110
Today, in a comprehensive fulfilment of biblical promise, your iPhone, which counts your steps and is acquainted with your ways both public and private, will offer to route your path home and watch over your lying down.
Read MoreThe House Where I Was Born
By Poetry Issue 109
Sometimes in the sound and the light / it grows so still / it’s possible to forget / you are moving through the air.
Read MoreSome Trees, Too
By Poetry Issue 105
days like my lost eyelashes,
just dry leaves curled there and here,
Love Poem, Ending
By Poetry Issue 103
There will be thousands of warm nights
like this one, millions of the beetles, this whole darkened face
of earth erupting in brief constellations.
By Poetry Issue 103
Praise the mockingbird,
unashamed that he is alone, praise the beetle,
the hornet, all night’s shy & vicious ornaments . . .
By Essay Issue 103
Of course complicating considerations can occur with the immaterial, too, as you might be into time and gravity but not augury or angels—or you might be into some angels, like the six-winged amber ones, but not the messenger of death.
Read MoreLight
By Essay Issue 95
IN LATE OCTOBER I started painting the trim around the outside of the windows white. I finished the east and south sides of the house and moved my ladder to the west. The red leaves were falling from the sugar maple and the buckeyes from the buckeye tree, and the squirrels were making their strangely…
Read MoreIf Penetrated by Light
By Book Review Issue 65
If Penetrated by Light: Five Poets Consider the Darkness The Fortieth Day by Kazim Ali (BOA Editions, 2008) Astonishment: Selected Poems of Anna Kamienska ——-Translated by Grazyna Drabik and David Curzon (Paraclete Press, 2007) The Alphabet in the Park: Selected Poems of Adélia Prado ——-Translated by Ellen Watson (Wesleyan University Press, 1990) Hovering at a…
Read MoreYou Enter That Light
By Poetry Issue 65
You enter that light which binds night and day, that swirling mist of pain, fortunate pain, which has no need to be seen. It shimmers on the ever-present, ever- inactual shore. Simple worker, like those who build men’s houses— Breathe life into the whirlwind where the dead shall find you, dear friends absorbed in daylight.…
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