Epistle to the Ostensible Church
By Poetry Issue 113
That we are all adopted, appallingly / co-opted into Christ’s holiness is
a simple given, and a certainty. / So relax.
Like Jesus in a Dead Man’s Float
By Fiction Issue 111
He plunged into more and different living beings beneath the river’s surface, also uncaring. Almost-blind fishes swimming between reeds, above rusted cans and keys and teeth and bones.
Read MoreAfter Reading Song of Songs I Take Out the Garbage
By Poetry Issue 111
I’m carrying into the cold / a bulging trash bag, big enough to hold / and hold and stretch and hold, like love itself, /
and outfitted with handy drawstrings.
When We Say It’s the Little Things
By Poetry Issue 110
It’s the taste of that first sip / of coffee, rich and strong, the Mr. Coffee cup warmer / on your desk. It’s having the right pen.
Read MoreElegy
By Poetry Issue 109
A poem for lost love. “If I wash myself / where will you go?”
Read MoreLast Words (Death Row, Texas)
By Poetry Issue 107
Last words from death row. “I love you endlessly, my honeybird.”
Read MoreWhen your father is barely literate enough to read from the Bible aloud, but you so love that there is even this one moment he will share with you
By Poetry Issue 106
The voice of your brother’s blood
is crying to me from the ground.
Low Road to a High Place
By Poetry Issue 105
No thing made
or unmade, or born or yet to be, can separate us from the Love
that drew us forth from weave to know the weave and return to it.
By Poetry Issue 103
Praise the mockingbird,
unashamed that he is alone, praise the beetle,
the hornet, all night’s shy & vicious ornaments . . .
By Poetry Issue 103
This silence before
love pulls itself
apart, against
the current of its own
longing, is the most terrible
silence I know.