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Issue 118 | Fall 2023

The cover of issue 118 features a detail from an installation work by MyLoan Dinh. Also inside: James K.A. Smith on abstraction that takes the body seriously. Emily Bernard on the meaning of touch. An excerpt from Beth Kephart's forthcoming memoir, told through the many forms of paper we live with. A conversation with poet and translator Miho Nonaka on Louise Glück, the films of Hayao Miyazaki, and translation as “a dreaming process.” The work of Caron Tabb, whose art makes room for activism in spirituality and vice versa; and Jocelyn Mathewes, whose work explores maps, art in rural communities, liturgical rhythms, and chronic illness. Poet Michael White on the psychosomatic effects of the Rijksmuseum Vermeer exhibit. Fiction by set in Malawi, Illinois, and sixteenth-century Venice. Jake Romm on Kierkegaardian Silence in Hlynur Pálmason’s film Godland. Joyelle McSweeney on new translations of work of Hussein Barghouthi and Kim Hyesoon. Poems by Alicia Ostriker, Maryann Corbett, Jai Hamid Bashir, and more.  

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On the cover: MyLoan Dinh. Woke-xygen Tank (detail), 2018. Mixed-media installation with digital prints on canvas, boxing gloves, plexiglass tube, and scuba diving equipment. Photo of the artist by Jeff Cravotta. 

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Jocelyn Mathewes. The Heart Size is Unremarakable I.

Jocelyn Mathewes. The Heart Size is Unremarkable I, 2019. Pigment transfer, gold leaf, embroidery, and collage on watercolor paper. 12 x 9 inches.

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