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Issue 122 | Fall 2024
Our cover features work by British-born, Italy-based Shaun McDowell, who makes his own frames for his ellipse-shaped abstract paintings. Also inside: in her first editorial statement, Molly McCully Brown on how mystery speaks to us; a conversation with Gerald Early on what makes an honest critic; Arthur Aghajanian on what Paul Pfeiffer’s media-spectacle-driven art teaches us about desire; Sarah Stone imagines the garden of Eden; Murzban F. Shroff on a mother’s grief; Jessica Handler on rock fandom; Sarah Lee paints hope in the darkness; multimedia artist Terry Maker’s theology of matter; Courtney Craggett on embracing Halloween; Joel Cuthbertson on Christian Wiman’s experimental modes of testimony; Shane Neilson on poet Spencer Reece’s poetics of immanence; Miriam Camitta and Karla Pahel on living with a family member’s mental illness; poems by Lance Larsen, Kami Enzie, Waldo Williams (in translation from the Welsh by David Lloyd), Stella Wong, and more.
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On the cover: Shaun McDowell. On Dancing Planets (detail), 2024. Oil on birch ply, linseed-oil primed, artist-made frame. 37 x 25 inches.
Desire in Search of an Object: Spectacle and Longing in the Art of Paul Pfeiffer
Arthur Aghajanian
Molly McCully Brown, Nebraskan Mystery
Sarah Stone, Earthly Delights
Jessica Handler, The World to See: A Novel Excerpt
Murzban F. Shroff, This Is Not My Son’s Head
Shaun McDowell, In the Studio
Andrew Cowell, Surface and Depth: Terry Maker’s Theology of Matter
Sarah Lee, In the Studio
Arthur Aghajanian, Desire in Search of an Object: Spectacle and Longing in the Art of Paul Pfeiffer
Sharon Christner, Motherless Pietà
Miriam Camitta, Sanctuary
Karla Pahel, The Trapeze Dress
Courtney Craggett, Ghost Story
Joel Cuthbertson, Experimental Testimony: On Christian Wiman’s Zero at the Bone
Shane Neilson, Things Which Are: Spencer Reece’s Immanence Strategies
Abram Van Engen, The Honest Critic: A Conversation with Gerald Early
Lance Larsen, An Animal of the Sixth Day Gives an Accounting
Kami Enzie, Shore Road
Linda Ann Strang, God, if anywhere, is in the golden carpet
Stella Fridman Hayes, Death of Venus
Lisa Dordal, The Daughter I Don’t Have
Waldo Williams, In Two Fields
Felicity Sheehy, Prayer
Sally Rosen Kindred, Prayer for Opening
Joe Carrick-Varty, Legend has it
Josh Tvrdy, Raising Children God’s Way
Nadja Küchenmeister, my father’s house
Stella Wong, unfinished sonnets 4G—I meant to make you more
John Wall Barger, Epiphany Song
Angela Gardner, Drift
Audrey Bohanan, As an Aside on Ice
Jenny Hykes Jiang, My Father at Love Feast, Dallas County, Iowa, 1949
Matt Del Busto, Alverno